Monday, 6 May 2013

Things to Consider while Choosing Sail Shade Fabric and Colour

You must keep number of factors in mind while buying sail shades. Fabric and colour must be chosen with care. Here are some useful tips:

Waterproof or Shade

Shade sail fabrics are basically of two types. One kind of fabric can block out sunlight while other type is waterproof. You can choose the correct type of sail shade depending on the purpose for which you need the item. Most standard products available in market are not waterproof, though they might be marked “water resistant”. Remember that there is a difference between the term waterproof and water resistance. If you want a waterproof product, make sure you let the retailer know about your requirement.

Durability of Shade Sail

You must also consider the durability factor while buying shade sails. If your concern is longer durability, you must invest in a good quality of shade sail. A high quality product will not fade, stretch, tear or get dirty quite easily. You can also invest in a cheaper, but a considerable quality shade sail. This will do perfectly fine for a short span of time. 

Is the Fabric UV protective? 

Generally, darker shades provide better protection from harsh sunlight and ultra violet rays. Most standard products are capable of blocking 85 % of UV rays. But a specially made item can block up to 98 percent of the harmful rays.

Choosing a Colour

This is where you can exercise your personal preference. Many prefer neutral shade while some opt for brighter and contemporary colour. You must remember that light coloured items tend to look dirtier only after a few weeks of installation. They will allow more amount of light into the shaded area. A darker coloured sail does not get dirty quite often. You must consider the colour of your house while picking up sail shades. Some people also use shades of different colours to give a dramatic look to their house or garden.

1 comment:

  1. Thank for letting us know about need of sun shade sails. And for additional tips. shades sails
