Showing posts with label installing shade sail.shade sails. Show all posts
Showing posts with label installing shade sail.shade sails. Show all posts

Monday 23 June 2014

Avoid Accidents By Installing Shade Sail Properly

It is advisable to hire a professional crew for installing shade sail. A properly installed sail fabric cuts down the chances of accidents. Even if you are doing it yourself, keep the following tips in mind:

shade sails

Avoid accidents by installing shade sail properly

Use good quality material

You can reduce the chance of accidents by using good quality material- both for the fabric as well as the fixtures. The sail should have strong threads to bear massive force. The fixture should be resistant to corrosion or rusting.

Tension the ropes properly

Properly tensioned ropes reduce the chance of tearing of fabric. It also prevents snapping of ropes. So they should not be too tight or loose. Lose sail often lead to wearing down of ropes and accessories.

Inspect attachment points periodically

It is the responsibility of the home owner to check periodically whether all the fixtures and attachment points are in good condition. Wearing out accessories should be immediately replaced.

Remove shade sail during hostile weather conditions

It helps to reduce accidents and even leads to longer durability of shade sails if they are removed in hostile weather. They should be necessarily removed in season that witness storms. They should also be removed during heavy snow fall.